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How did you respond? What did you do?

When I look back on this time, I want to have good answers to these questions.

Staying calm, praying for others and serving where we are able, are all good responses.

Here are some thoughts on how to be helpful to others during a crisis.

* check on family, friends and neighbors. Ask if they have any needs you can help with like picking up groceries etc.


* donate to food shelters

* send hand written cards, notes, emails and texts to let others know you are thinking of them

* think of ways to give back to those in service positions (nurses, doctors, grocers, delivery personnel etc.).

A note, gift card or tips to let them know they are appreciated.

When we look outside ourselves to love and serve others, we find that anxiety and worries diminish as we keep our focus on God and what we have control over.... which is what we CAN do.

What can you do?

*pic by Christina

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